Ng-bootstrap, and other useful Modules & Behavioral-Driven Development

GDG Sacramento

Welcome to the fifth iteration of our merged meetup (GDG + Angular Meetup)! Per our new format, we will have two talks this month. And, as usual, we'll have pizza and beverages served courtesy of TekSystems and will draw our monthly raffle. **Talk #1: Bootstrap, Ng-bootstrap, and other useful Modules (Seth Van Grinsven)** Angular fanatic Seth Van Grinsven will go over Bootstrap 4, a powerful f

May 12, 2017, 1:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Welcome to the fifth iteration of our merged meetup (GDG + Angular Meetup)!

Per our new format, we will have two talks this month.

And, as usual, we'll have pizza and beverages served courtesy of TekSystems and will draw our monthly raffle.

Talk #1: Bootstrap, Ng-bootstrap, and other useful Modules (Seth Van Grinsven)

Angular fanatic Seth Van Grinsven will go over Bootstrap 4, a powerful frontend framework, and how to integrate this seemlessly with your Angular application.  He will also cover other useful modules in the Angular ecosystem to speed up your development.

Talk #2: Outside-In BDD (Nathan Jenan)

Behavioral-Driven Development (BDD) is a method of creating applications while minimizing unnecessary work, code, and effort, but it is often misunderstood.  Nathan will walk us through some of the principals of BDD and show live examples of how application design can be driven with quick and easy tests.  He'll share tips and ideas on how to get your co-workers to adopt BDD, as well as hock his ebook.

The meetup takes place at: 

VSP HQ5 -3249 Quality Dr Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

The meeting room is in the Northeastern corner of the building (the closest to Highway 50 - see satellite view below). Signs will be put on the door as well.


  • Alain Chautard

    Angular Training

    Angular Guru

  • E A

    GDG / WTM Sacramento

    WTM Ambassador & WTM Lead

  • Michael Brennock


    Software Engineer

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