Welcome to the second iteration of our merged meetup (GDG + Angular Meetup)! Per our new format, we will have two talks this month. And, as usual, we'll have pizza and beverages served courtesy of TekSystems and will draw our monthly raffle. **Talk #1: How to migrate to Angular 2?** With the next version of Angular right around the corner, now is a great time to migrate from Angular 1 to Angul
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Welcome to the second iteration of our merged meetup (GDG + Angular Meetup)!
Per our new format, we will have two talks this month.
And, as usual, we'll have pizza and beverages served courtesy of TekSystems and will draw our monthly raffle.
Talk #1: How to migrate to Angular 2?
With the next version of Angular right around the corner, now is a great time to migrate from Angular 1 to Angular 2. Alain Chautard will go through the different steps of the process and highlight the tools made available by the Angular team to make the migration easier.
Talk #2: Growing Your Sacramento Tech Startup from Zero to $1M in Two Years
If you are an entrepreneur developing technology or games in Sacramento, or you want to become one, then attend this meetup. Christopher Sprague, the Co-founder of tCubed, will show how his team built a technology and gaming company from the ground up here in Sacramento and will outline their realistic plan to reach $1M by the end of year two.
Unlike most entrepreneur meetups and pitches, this presentation will descend from the high level strategies that are directed at Angel Investors and Venture Capitalist into the weedy details that entrepreneurs need to know in order to build a successful startup. More specifically he’ll be discussing the following:
· Training yourself to have a Lean Startup mindset
· Morphing company structures to fit needs as they change
· When it’s safe to quit your day job
· Handling Intellectual Property with NO MONEY
· Crawling out of the deadly product development phase in order to reach customers faster
· How to land your first customer with little effort
· What it really means to KISS
· $1 MVPs that you can use to quickly build your company
· How to convert people with feedback into customers
· Inviting CEOs to coffee
Don’t forget to come early and stay late so that you can get honest feedback about your own technologies, games, and startups from a fellow Sacramentan who loves startups and tech as much as you do.
The meetup takes place at:
VSP HQ5 -3249 Quality Dr Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
The meeting room is in the Northeastern corner of the building (the closest to Highway 50 - see satellite view below). Signs will be put on the door as well.
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