A lot of us have seen presentations and demos on Firebase or how to better organize/build/deploy JavaScript projects. Well, how about some experience with a real world project? In this workshop, we will continue improving our GDG Raffle web app. We'll start with fixing Firebase-related bugs and enhancing the app, and then move the build to a continuous integration stack that you could easily set
A lot of us have seen presentations and demos on Firebase or how to better organize/build/deploy JavaScript projects. Well, how about some experience with a real world project?
In this workshop, we will continue improving our GDG Raffle web app. We'll start with fixing Firebase-related bugs and enhancing the app, and then move the build to a continuous integration stack that you could easily set up for your personal projects.
Feel free to bring a laptop and contribute code during the workshop, or just follow along by watching the live coding session on the big screen (because what could possibly go wrong?).
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