Need a refresh on graphs, queues, and other data structures? Join us for a one hour contest and sharing session
24 RSVP'd
Binary trees, heaps, hashtables - which is optimal? Work solo, or in teams of two to finish an 'Easy' problem in 60 minutes on HackerRank and refresh yourself. Afterwards, we'll show & tell our code in a circle.
Both junior or expert devs welcome!
Bring your laptop.
Participants may choose their language (Java, C++, Go, Python, or 20+ more) and choose from two puzzles.
Graybox - Use south door on Washington St. to enter building. Find us in a conference room on the first floor, west side.
Organizers will be wearing white GCP lanyards.
Call 503-929-6233 if arriving late or building access.
Friday, September 15, 2023
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM (UTC)
Developer Relations Program Manager
Software Developer,
Chapter Head
Sr. Data Engineer
Founder of DigiFab AI
Guide on the Side, Llc.
Event Organizer
Mobile Developer, Netflix
Software Engineer
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