**GDG Port Harcourt **is happy to host her next meetup, a Firebase for Web App development event. As part of the pre-DevFestSE17 preparation meetups, we'll be exploring the Google Firebase Technology for Web Development. Firebase is an app-development platform on Google Cloud, that helps you build better mobile, web apps and helps you grow your business. The platform has the below features and mor
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GDG Port Harcourt is happy to host her next meetup, a Firebase for Web App development event. As part of the pre-DevFestSE17 preparation meetups, we'll be exploring the Google Firebase Technology for Web Development. Firebase is an app-development platform on Google Cloud, that helps you build better mobile, web apps and helps you grow your business. The platform has the below features and more:
• Realtime Database
• Authentication
• Cloud Storage
• Hosting
• Cloud Messaging
There will be speaker sessions, codelab and networking.
Agenda will be shared soon, please prepare to attend. RSVP to attend.
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