One of the foundations of Material Design is Motion. Effective motion can be used to provide user feedback, guide interaction focus, establish visual relationships between elements, and provide important polish and delight. Creating apps with effective motion hasn't always been simple, but I have learned some techniques to make it easy. Come to this session where I will show you how to use touch f
One of the foundations of Material Design is Motion. Effective motion can be used to provide user feedback, guide interaction focus, establish visual relationships between elements, and provide important polish and delight. Creating apps with effective motion hasn't always been simple, but I have learned some techniques to make it easy. Come to this session where I will show you how to use touch feedback, transitions and animations to make your applications come alive with effective motion and be more enjoyable for your users.
Mike Wolfson, Able Android LLC
Mike is a passionate mobile designer/developer working out of Phoenix. He has been working in the software field for more than 20 years, and with Android since its introduction. Currently, he develops Android applications for an IoT startup, in the automotive and payments space. He is a Google Developer Expert in Android, and the author of the book “Android Developer Tools Essentials” published by O’Reilly.Mike has spoken about Android and mobile development at a variety of conferences and user groups (including Oscon, AnDevCon, GDGSv, Droidcon Turin, and others). When he is not geeking out about phones, he enjoys the outdoors (snowboarding, hiking, scuba diving), collecting PEZ dispensers, and chasing his young (but quick) daughter.
Food and cold drinks will be waiting when you arrive. Park for free in the structure across the street. Hope you can join us!
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