MVVM and Data binding help keep our code "clean" and allows us to remove boilerplate findViewById() calls as well as having to manually update those views in the code. Decoupling our views from our models also provides with increased testability of our non-UI code. Covered in this session will be • Creating bindings in XML • Object/value converstions • How the Android data binding library compa
MVVM and Data binding help keep our code "clean" and allows us to remove boilerplate findViewById() calls as well as having to manually update those views in the code. Decoupling our views from our models also provides with increased testability of our non-UI code. Covered in this session will be
• Creating bindings in XML
• Object/value converstions
• How the Android data binding library compares to frameworks like butterknife
• How and where to use data binding and how and where it should not be used.
Rob has been freelancing for 10 years and programming for 25. His background is in Wall St IT - Electronic Trading Systems. Rob's clients have included JP Morgan, Royal Bank of Scottland, Barrett-Jackson, Pepsi Cola, Cantor Fitzgerald.
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