Cloud NEXT Extended!

GDG Phoenix

Cloud NEXT Extended! is a chance for us to bring a small part of the Cloud Next 17 event to Phoenix. We will do a short intro to GCP and go over some of the announcements from the March 8-10th event. We will also show a few key momenents from the keynotes. Then we want to go over one of the most popular code labs and then let everyone choose a code lab on their own. Bring a laptop! You won't need

Mar 24, 2017, 1:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Cloud NEXT Extended! is a chance for us to bring a small part of the Cloud Next 17 event to Phoenix. We will do a short intro to GCP and go over some of the announcements from the March 8-10th event. We will also show a few key momenents from the keynotes.  Then we want to go over one of the most popular code labs and then let everyone choose a code lab on their own.

Bring a laptop! You won't need any special software since most of the code labs happen "in the cloud" using the Google Cloud Shell (which we'll go over).

We'll provide pizza and drinks and FREE PARKING (which is significant if you've been to the Tempe location lately). . . oh, and we have a little prize to give away. Don't get too excited it's really little! 


  • Sheldon McGee

    Engineering Manager

  • Sarah McGee


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