Attendance Form]([ Signup on Udacity]( [ Slides: Udacity, in cooperation with Google, just released a new course called “Android Development for Beginners”. In this c
Attendance Form
Signup on Udacity
Udacity, in cooperation with Google, just released a new course called “Android Development for Beginners”. In this case, the “Beginners” are people new to programming as well as new to Android. The only requirements are a computer (hopefully a laptop so you can bring it along), some basic computer usage skills, and a willingness to learn and explore. It has 3 lessons and a final the estimate is that it can be done with a 16-20 hour commitment over the course of a month or so.
Getting started with any new course on a subject as complex as Android is a monumental task . . . even with help from the amazing instructors at Udacity. That’s why GDG Phoenix is proud to support the course and is running a “Study Jam” where we meet regularly (in person and possibly through Google Hangouts) and go over questions people have and provide general support while people do the course. Watching the videos and participating in the course is up to you . . . but we’re here to help and motivate you to reach the Final Project!
Feb 25th is the kickoff meeting and first Study Jam but feel free to start RIGHT NOW. The course is online and free and the first lesson you don’t need any development tools installed.
The secret to “free” is that you click on the “Access Course Materials” button instead of the “Start Free Trial” button.
On Thursday Feb 25th at 6pm bring your laptop and your headphones and get ready to start working! We’ll make sure everyone has Android Studio installed and is ready to get going and will do a short intro at the start of the class and answer those nagging questions you might have like “What does an ice cream sandwich have to do with Android development?”
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