Kotlin/Everywhere Phx

GDG Phoenix

Learn the essentials and best practices of Kotlin in Android, Google Cloud Platform, and multi-platform development. Kotlin isn't just for Android, and works anywhere Java works. **TICKETED EVENT - MUST HAVE EVENTBRITE TICKET TO ATTEND** https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kotlineverywhere-phoenix-2019-tickets-68403407433 Who should attend? Anyone interested in learning about Kotlin. People already

Sep 14, 2019, 7:00 PM – Sep 15, 2019, 1:00 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCloudMachine LearningMobile

About this event

Learn the essentials and best practices of Kotlin in Android, Google Cloud Platform, and multi-platform development. Kotlin isn't just for Android, and works anywhere Java works.


Who should attend?

Anyone interested in learning about Kotlin. People already using Kotlin who want to learn more. Anyone who is or would like to be an Android Developer. Anyone wondering about Kotlin, and if it will help their business.


** 12-12:30: Registration, food, and socialization
** 12:30 - 5:00: Content: Workshops and talks
** 5:00 - 5:30: Conclusion: Summary, Credit to sponsors, Raffle
** 5:30: Victory Lap: more Dev talk, and maybe give your own mini-presentation

Advice for attendees:

Bring a laptop (and charger) so you can try things out.
This is a workshop heavy event, so make sure you are prepared ahead of time so you are able to get help completing the workshops. Come prepared, we will not have time to help set up the tools.

Start here: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/getting-started.html


Donn Felker @donnfelker *GDE
Josh Coffman @4spacetabs
Michael Bailey @yogurtearl *GDE
Mike Wolfson @mikewolfson *GDE
(and more)

Thanks to ...

JetBrains & Google Developers for encouraging and guiding the Kotlin/Everywhere events.
Nerdery for sponsoring this event

Important Links:

Kotlin/Everywhere HQ: https://events.withgoogle.com/kotlin-everywhere/
Code of Conduct: https://events.withgoogle.com/kotlin-everywhere/community-guidelines/#content


  • Sheldon McGee


    Engineering Manager

  • Sarah McGee


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