Introduction to Go with Nathan Jenan PLUS, a holiday celebration!

GDG Phoenix

Join us at 6:30 for some food and conversation (and drinks if Chris shows up! :)) as we celebrate 10 years of GDGs around the world and, you know, the holiday season. We have a few surprises we don't want to spoil it but you'll want to try and make it to this one! Especially Adam. He's going to want to go for sure. At about 7:30 or so Nathan is going to do an Intro to Go talk described below. Imm

Dec 22, 2017, 1:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Join us at 6:30 for some food and conversation (and drinks if Chris shows up! :)) as we celebrate 10 years of GDGs around the world and, you know, the holiday season. We have a few surprises we don't want to spoil it but you'll want to try and make it to this one! Especially Adam. He's going to want to go for sure.

At about 7:30 or so Nathan is going to do an Intro to Go talk described below. Immediately after we have few items to give away so we'll be spinning the big wheel! Oh, I guess that was the surprise. Oh well, at least you don't know what we are giving away!

We moved the meeting so we could team up with the Go meetup! The event is cross-posted here: 


Go is a statically typed, compiled, garbage collected language created by Google.  It has a focus on concurrency, and produces self-contained, executable binaries instead of requiring an interpreter or virtual machine to run on.  Nathan Jenan will be going over the basics of the language and showing why it has quickly become a favorite of the DevOps community.


  • Sheldon McGee

    Engineering Manager

  • Sarah McGee


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