September Meetup: Bluetooth on Android & Annotation Processors

GDG Philadelphia

Agenda: **Please note that this month we'll begin the talks at 6:15. See you there~~** 6 - 6.15 pm: Pizza, intros and networking 6.15 - 7.30 pm: Talks Speakers: Taun Chapman, Mark Dappollone Lightning Talk: Speaker: Taun Chapman Topic: Using BTLE with Android -- tips, tricks & gotchas. Why won't it connect? Why does it take so long to connect? What's autoconnect, anyhow? Main Talk: Speak

Sep 27, 2017, 10:00 PM – Sep 28, 2017, 1:00 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Agenda: Please note that this month we'll begin the talks at 6:15. See you there~~

6 - 6.15 pm: Pizza, intros and networking 
6.15 - 7.30 pm: Talks

Speakers: Taun Chapman, Mark Dappollone

Lightning Talk:

Speaker: Taun Chapman

Topic: Using BTLE with Android -- tips, tricks & gotchas. Why won't it connect? Why does it take so long to connect? What's autoconnect, anyhow?

Main Talk:

Speaker: Mark Dappollone

Topic: Annotation Processors 

Description: Annotation Processors are code that can actually write code for you. We'll discuss the ins and outs of building an Annotation Processor, and the types of wizardry they can provide.


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  • John Mahoney

    GDG Organizer

  • Arpit Mathur


    GDG Organizer

  • Farzad Barzin

    BEX Realty

    Director of Mobile Applications

  • Layla B

    Drexel University

    Doctoral Student

  • Taha Bouhsine

    Google Developers

    Research Fellow

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