* Main Talk: * Tastebudz: The mobile approach to digital ordering Abstract: Tastebudz uses the NFC adapter on a customer’s phone to free restaurants from having to buy expensive tablets or specialized hardware. When a customer scans a tag with a phone running Tastebudz, the phone will immediately download the restaurant’s menu, if it isn’t stored already, and allow the customer to order whatever
* Main Talk: *
Tastebudz: The mobile approach to digital ordering
Abstract: Tastebudz uses the NFC adapter on a customer’s phone to free restaurants from having to buy expensive tablets or specialized hardware. When a customer scans a tag with a phone running Tastebudz, the phone will immediately download the restaurant’s menu, if it isn’t stored already, and allow the customer to order whatever is available. The technology being discussed is: NFC, REST, Memcache, Datastore, Firebase(Authentication, Messaging, Crashlytics)
Bio: Justin Katzwhite is the founder of Blackdog Interactive, the maker of Tastebudz. He has been working with Android and Google Cloud Platform for over three years.
Lightning Talks:
1) Google Cloud Functions: How and Why
Abstract: Google Cloud Functions offers a simple, scalable and cost efficient method of creating and extending cloud services. Learn how to create a cloud function along with common use cases for serverless architectures.
Bio: Zach Russell runs a software development firm and is the organizer of GDG Cloud Philly.
2) DroidCon NYC Trip Report
Nick Dipatri
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