Come and explore Cloud Computing with Google Cloud. We will show you how to do: • Spin up instances and auto-scaling instance groups Run a website with a front-end load balancer and multiple web servers • Create, mount, format and snapshot disks • Create a Docker container cluster and run your app in Docker environment • Monitor your infrastructure, containers, apps, logs all from one
Come and explore Cloud Computing with Google Cloud.
We will show you how to do:
• Spin up instances and auto-scaling instance groups
Run a website with a front-end load balancer and multiple web servers
• Create, mount, format and snapshot disks
• Create a Docker container cluster and run your app in Docker environment
• Monitor your infrastructure, containers, apps, logs all from one place
We're privileged to welcome Obulapathi Challa to speak to us. Obulapathi is an expert on Google Cloud technologies. He recently moved to Portland from St. Louis where he was the organizer of that city's GDG chapter.
Excellent food and drink will be provided by our generous sponsor: eBay.
Software Developer,
Chapter Head
Sr. Data Engineer
Founder of DigiFab AI
Guide on the Side, Llc.
Event Organizer
Mobile Developer, Netflix
Software Engineer
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