Build with AI (Hackathon + Conference)

НАО "Торайгыров университет", 64 улица Ломова, Павлодар, 140000

GDG Pavlodar

GDG Pavlodar are pleased to present the Build With AI event

Apr 16, 3:00 AM – 12:30 PM

58 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Build with AIGemini

About this event

Build with AI events are technical workshops and hackathons organized by the Google Developer Groups (GDG) community. The goal of the events is to help developers learn, master, and apply their skills in GenAI technologies.


Shreyan Mehta

Oliya Rakhmatova


  • Oliya Rakhmatova


  • Shreyan Mehta


    Software Architect


Pavlodar Hub logo

Pavlodar Hub

IT School logo

IT School


  • Daniil Bart

    GDG Organizer, Event Lead

  • Usin Matvey

    Tech Lead

  • Roman Ustimenko

    Coordination Lead

  • Dima Zhelnin

    Relationship Lead

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