The State of Mobile App Development

FERIT (Campus), room K2-1, Ul. cara Hadrijana 10b, 31000, Osijek, Osijek, 31000

GDG Osijek

In this session, we'll explore on of the declarative mobile UI frameworks. Also, we'll have an open discussion about similar technologies, where audience can join in on the conversation and ask questions (or even answer them)!

Nov 23, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

11 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentCommunity BuildingDesignFlutterMobileNetworkingWeb

About this event


Evo nas nazad, s prvim GDG eventom nakon pauze! :]

23.11.2022. u 18:00 sati, u suradnji s FERIT-om održavamo event koji pokriva moderne UI tehnologije u razvoju mobilnih i Web aplikacija, u prostorima FERIT-a, u predavaonici K2-1 (Kampus). Za početak ćemo imati talk kojeg će održati Ivan Štajcer, u kojem ćemo se dotaknuti Fluttera kao cross-platform deklarativnog frameworka za UI. Čut ćemo kratko o samom frameworku, njegovim performansama, kako se one uspoređuju sa nativnim developmentom te što to znači za tvoje korisnike i za tebe kao developera.

Nakon toga ćemo se podružiti na kratkoj pauzi, koju pratimo s otvorenom raspravom o sličnim tehnologijama, a pozivamo cijelu publiku da nam se pridruži i postavlja ili odgovara pitanja!


We're back, with the first GDG event after a small break! :]

On the 23rd of November, 2022, at 6PM CET we're partnering up with FERIT to organize an event where we'll discuss modern UI technologies in Web and Mobile app development, on FERIT grounds, in the lecture room K2-1 (Campus building). We'll start off with a talk by Ivan Štajcer, who'll touch upon Flutter as a cross-platform declarative UI framework. We'll discuss the framework, its performance and how it compares to native development, with emphasis on what it means for end users and us as developers.

After that we'll hang out during a small break, that will be followed by an open panel discussion on similar technologies, where we invite the whole audience to join us in asking and answering questions!



Wednesday, November 23, 2022
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


FERIT logo



  • Filip Babić


    GDG Organizer

  • Luka Kordic

    COBE Tech

    Android Developer

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