Exploring the backend

FERIT (kampus), Ul. cara Hadrijana 10b, 31000, Osijek, Osijek, 31000

GDG Osijek

In this session, we'll explore topics related to back-end technologies like GraphQL and testing structures in the Go language.

Jan 25, 2023, 5:00 – 6:45 PM (UTC)

7 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event


Evo nas s još jednim GDG eventom! Ovaj puta se fokusiramo malo više na backend stranu :))

U suradnji s FERIT-om održavamo event koji pokriva teme vezane uz back-end tehnologije. Event će se održati 25.01.2023. u 18:00 sati, u prostorima FERIT-a, u predavaonici K2-1 (Kampus). Za početak ćemo imati talk kojeg će održati Mario Škrlec, u kojem ćemo se dotaknuti Go programskog jezika. Točnije, Mario će pričati o tome što je Go, kako posložiti Go directory strukturu te uz to održati kod testabilnim.

Nakon toga ćemo se podružiti na kratkoj pauzi uz jelo i piće! :))

Pauzu pratimo sa drugim predavanjem kojeg će održati Marko Milardić. Marko će pričati o tome što je GraphQL, kako ga koristiti te će nam reći nešto o GraphQL Supergraph.


Here we are with another GDG event! This time, we're focusing more on the backend side :))

We're partnering up with FERIT to organize an event where we'll discuss subjects related to backend technologies. The event will be held on FERIT grounds, in lecture room K2-1 (Campus building). We'll start with a talk by Mario Škrlec, who'll touch on the Go language. He'll introduce us to the language, its use, performance and how to implement a Go directory structure while keeping the code testable.

After that we'll hang out during a small break, accompanied by drinks and snacks! :))

After the break, we'll start with the second talk by Marko Milardić. Marko will introduce us to GrapQL, where and how to use it, as well as introduce us to the concept of a GraphQL Supergraph.



Wednesday, January 25, 2023
5:00 PM – 6:45 PM (UTC)


5:00 PMWelcome!
5:10 PMGo & testable arhitecture
5:45 PMBreak - Food & Drinks
6:00 PMGraphQL & Supergraphs


FERIT logo



  • Filip Babić


    GDG Organizer

  • Luka Kordic

    COBE Tech

    Android Developer

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