Exploring Jetpack Compose

GDG Osijek

Na ovom predavanju ćemo proći opet kroz Jetpack Compose, strukuru razvojnog okvira i smjer u kojem ovaj novi Android UI toolkit ide kroz zadnjih nekoliko alpha verzija. In this session, we'll explore Jetpack Compose once more, the structure of the framework and the direction this new UI toolkit has been heading in, through the last few alpha versions.

Dec 14, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

31 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Na ovom predavanju ćemo proći opet kroz Jetpack Compose, strukuru razvojnog okvira i smjer u kojem ovaj novi Android UI toolkit ide kroz zadnjih nekoliko alpha verzija.

Proći ćemo kroz osnovne komponente, način na koji ih možemo spojiti zajedno i kako ih možemo stilizirati, upravljati podacima te spojiti cijelu priču kroz MVVM arhitekturalni obrazac. 

Kroz predavanje će vas voditi Filip Babić, Google Developer Expert za Android i Kotlin kategorije, koji uz brojne tutorijale na poslu trenutno radi na knjizi vezanoj uz Jetpack Compose! 

Predavanje će se održati 14.12.2020. od 17:00-18:00h! Predavanje će se održati online, streamano na YouTube-u. Link će biti naknadno objavljen! Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku!

In this session, we'll explore Jetpack Compose once more, the structure of the framework and the direction this new UI toolkit has been heading in, through the last few alpha versions.

We'll go over the fundamental components and concepts, how we can connect them together, style them and handle the data and state while also painting the entire picture through the MVVM architectual pattern.

This lecture will be held by Filip Babić, a Google Developer Expert for Android & Kotlin categories, who, alongside many tutorials at his company, is also working on a Jetpack Compose based book! 

The lecture will happen on the 14th of December, 2020, and will take place from 5PM until 6PM (GMT+1). We will stream the lecture on YouTube. The link will be announced soon! The lecture will be held in English!



Monday, December 14, 2020
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


Lecture - Exploring Jetpack Compose


  • Filip Babic


  • Filip Babic


  • Filip Babić


    GDG Organizer

  • Luka Kordic

    COBE Tech

    Android Developer

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