(De)constructing architecture

FERIT (kampus) Dvorana K2-1, Ul. cara Hadrijana 10b, 31000, Osijek, Osijek, 31000,, 10b Ulica cara Hadrijana, Osijek, 31000

GDG Osijek

In this session, we'll explore everyone's favorite topic - software architecture!

May 25, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

16 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Community Building

About this event


Evo nas s još jednim GDG eventom! Ovaj puta se fokusiramo na temu arhitekture :))

Kolega Ian Rumac će nam reći nešto više o ovoj magičnoj riječi koja se često proteže sastancima, kavama i blogovima. Nerijetko se čini kao kompleksna mistična mantra koja poboljšava naš kod čim ju izgovorimo. No, zašto svaki put završimo u istim problemima? Koja je zapravo razlika između MVP-a, MVVM-a MVC-a i ostalih permutacija? Što je "Clean architecture" i je li ikad dovoljno čisto? Što je zapravo "dobra" arhitektura? U ovom predavanju ćemo se pozabaviti tim vječnim pitanjima, prolazeći kroz neke od poznatijih arhitektura i stilova, učestalih grešaka i patterna te zajedno naučiti kako pisati bolji, otporniji i čišći kod.

Nakon toga ćemo se podruškati uz sokove i pizze :) 


Here we are with another GDG event! This time, the focus is on the architecture :))

Colleague Ian Rumac will be talking about the magic word we hear about all the time, which stretches across meetings, coffees, and blogs. It often seems like a complex mystical mantra, that improves our code as soon as we say it. But why do we end up with the same problems every time? What is the difference between MVP, MVVM, MVC, and other permutations? What is clean and is "clean" ever clean enough? What is /good/ architecture? In this lecture, we will deal with these eternal questions, going through some of the more famous architectures and styles, frequent errors and patterns, and together we will learn how to write better, more resilient, and cleaner code.

Afterward, we'll hang out, accompanied by drinks and snacks! :)


3:00 PMWelcome!
3:05 PM(De)constructing architecture talk


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  • Filip Babić


    GDG Organizer

  • Luka Kordic

    COBE Tech

    Android Developer

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