Advanced Jetpack Compose

GDG Osijek

U ovom predavanju ćemo ući dublje u tematiku Jetpack Compose-a. Bit će govora o animacijama, spajanju podataka kroz MVVM i reaktivnu paradigmu i više! :] In this session, we'll go a bit deeper into Jetpack compose. We'll talk about animations, connecting the data flow using MVVM and a reactive programming paradigm and more!

Jan 20, 2021, 5:20 – 6:30 PM (UTC)

31 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Pozdrav svima!

Nastavljamo priču o Jetpack Compose i o deklarativnom i reaktivnom razvoju Android sučelja. Ovaj put pričamo o naprednijim stvarima te ćemo proći tranzicije i kompleksnije animacije, spajanje toka podataka kroz MVVM i korištenjem LiveData i Room biblioteka te deklarativno prikazivanje elemenata sučelja ovisno o promjeni stanja.

Predavač je Filip Babić, video instruktor u tvrtci Razeware, koja drži poznati edukacijski portal Filip je osim toga i Google Developer Expert za kategorije Android i Kotlin.

Predavanje će biti online, na engleskom jeziku kako bi nam se mogli pridružiti kolege diljem svijeta! :]

Hello everyone!

We're continuing the story about Jetpack Compose and buidling declarative and reactive applications and Android user interfaces. This time we'll cover the topic of transitions and complex animations, building a reactive data flow with Room and LiveData libraries and showing UI elements in a declarative nature, as state changes.

Our speaker is Filip Babić, a video instructor at Razeware, the company behind the educational website. On top of that, Filip is a Google Developer Expert for Android and Kotlin categories.

The session will be in English, so anyone can join us! :]



Wednesday, January 20, 2021
5:20 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)


5:20 PMIntro
5:30 PMMain Session
6:15 PMQ&A Time


  • Filip Babić


    GDG Organizer

  • Luka Kordic

    COBE Tech

    Android Developer

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