Resume Roast

University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1210 West Dayton Street, Madison, 53706

GDG on Campus University of Wisconsin-Madison - Madison, United States

Join us for our annual resume roast! Here's the link to submit your resume:

Oct 18, 10:00 – 11:30 PM (UTC)

14 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Submit your resume here: Make sure to follow the rules below to stay respectful:

1. change any name, email, socials to be completely anonymous (i.e. change your name to John Doe)

2. spend some time looking over it to make sure it looks good!

3. don't lie on the resume you're submitting. it's easy to tell, and ruins the whole point of this event: to get an honest review!

4. please only submit one resume, we'd like everyone to have a fair chance to get their resume reviewed


  • Alex Holland

    Kohler Co.


  • Alan Luo


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