GDG on Campus University of Toronto - Mississauga, Canada
Learn Unity and C# to master programming visually and build a game!
25 RSVP'd
In this workshop, you'll develop your skills in Unity 3D and C# to build a 3D game in Unity where players escape from enemies in a maze. Learning game development is useful for developing programming skills visually and showing your skills to employers in all fields!
Note: Attendees will need to install Unity and a compiler compatible with C# (ex. VS Code). Support will be provided in the GDSC UTM Discord server (server invite provided to attendees after registering). Please follow the instructions below to install Unity prior to the workshop:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Download”
3. Open “UnityHubSetup.exe”
4. Allow it to access your computer
5. Follow the steps to install it
Once installed:
1. Open Unity Hub and go to “Installs”
2. Click on “Install Editor”
3. Select “Unity 6” and let it install
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