Git Basics Workshop

Engineering Science Building, 451 Mesa Road, Santa Barbara, 93117

GDG on Campus University of California, Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara, United States

If you write code, Git is a skill you must have. As the industry standard for version control and collaboration, Git is essential for: • Storing and managing your code securely. • Collaborating with others on projects seamlessly. • Building a portfolio to showcase your skills.

Jan 29, 3:00 – 4:00 AM (UTC)

4 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

If you write code, Git is a skill you must have. As the industry standard for version control and collaboration, Git is essential for:

• Storing and managing your code securely.

• Collaborating with others on projects seamlessly.

• Building a portfolio to showcase your skills.

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

• The Git workflow: how to create, commit, and push changes.

• Key terminology and concepts like branches and merges.

• Useful commands and beginner-friendly GUI tools.



Wednesday, January 29, 2025
3:00 AM – 4:00 AM (UTC)


  • Sanil Katula


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