GDG on Campus Seoul Women's University - Seoul, South Korea
서울여자대학교 챕터가 주최한 GDG on Campus SWU X GDG on Campus SeoulTech 연합 세션입니다.
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본 행사는 GDG on Campus SWU가 주관한 GDG on Campus SWU X GDG on Campus SeoulTech 첫 번째 연합 세션입니다. 2024년 10월 3일 개최된 이번 행사는 71명의 참가자를 모집하였고, 연합 아이디어톤 예선 공지와 각 챕터 리드의 스피치, 그리고 네트워킹 활동이 포함됩니다.
This event was the first union session of GDG on Campus SWU X GDG on Campus SeoulTech, organized by GDG on Campus SWU. Held on October 3, 2024, the event hosted 71 participants and included announcement of the Ideathon preliminary notice, speeches from each chapter lead, and networking activities.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)
GDG on Campus, Seoul Women's University
GDG on Campus, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Core member
GDG on Campus, Seoul Women's University
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