Git and Github Beginner Workshop by Ariel Roque

UPV - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica ETSINF, s/n Camí de Vera, València, 46022

GDG on Campus Polytechnic University of Valencia - Valencia, Spain

Learn how to use Git and the Github platform in this workshop by Ariel Roque, 4th year student at UPV and Project Organizer at AutoTok

Oct 17, 2024, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)

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Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

This is a workshop aimed at 1st year Informatics students or people who are beginners in programming and would like to learn about Git and the Github platform. Git and Github are the market standards when it comes to repositories and sharing code between multiple people and systems. The workshop will be presented by Ariel Roque, who is a 4th year Informatics student here at UPV and also a Project Organizer at Autotok, meaning he has lots of skills and experience when it comes to working with this platform.


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