
國立台灣科技大學 TR-509, 台北市大安區基隆路四段43號, Taipei, 106

GDG on Campus National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Taipei, Taiwan

🤖 電腦視覺的威力!~史上最快的要素察覺~ 🎯 你是否曾好奇 AI 如何「看見」這個世界?想知道 AI 是如何辨識物體、標記影像,甚至進行精準的語意分割? 這堂課將帶你探索 電腦視覺(CV) 的核心技術,讓你親身體驗 AI 如何透過不同方法進行影像分析與處理!

Mar 4, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)

12 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIMachine Learning

About this event

🤖 電腦視覺的威力!~史上最快的要素察覺~ 🎯

你是否曾好奇 AI 如何「看見」這個世界?想知道 AI 是如何辨識物體、標記影像,甚至進行精準的語意分割?

這堂課將帶你探索 電腦視覺(CV) 的核心技術,讓你親身體驗 AI 如何透過不同方法進行影像分析與處理!


🔰 初級 - 新手導向


辨別型電腦視覺:使用 Teachable Machine 進行圖像辨識,讓 AI 學會分類不同對象

標記型電腦視覺:介紹 YOLO(You Only Look Once),實作即時目標偵測

分層與語意分析型電腦視覺:認識 SAM(Segment Anything Model),體驗 AI 物件分割的強大應用


📅 日期:2025/03/04 (二)

⏰ 時間:19:00 ~ 21:00

📍 地點:台科研揚大樓 TR-509 + 線上(連結將透過電子郵件發送)

🔗 報名表單:請至我們首頁簡介內的 Bento 連結 報名

💰 費用:社員免費、非社員 $50



報名請先至 GDG on Campus NTUST 進行 RSVP!



報名連結在主頁 Bento 連結中!

🔹 The Power of Computer Vision! ~Fastest Object Recognition in History~ 🎯

Ever wondered how AI "sees" the world? Want to learn how AI recognizes objects, annotates images, and performs precise semantic segmentation?

This course will introduce you to the core techniques of computer vision (CV) and provide hands-on experience with AI-powered image analysis!

【Course Level】

🔰 Beginner - Newcomer Friendly

【Course Content】

Classification-Based CV: Train an AI model with Teachable Machine to classify different objects

Annotation-Based CV: Introduction to YOLO (You Only Look Once) and hands-on real-time object detection

Hierarchical & Semantic CV: Learn about SAM (Segment Anything Model) and experience AI-powered object segmentation

【Course Information】

📅 Date: 2025/03/04 (Tuesday)

⏰ Time: 19:00 ~ 21:00

📍 Location: TIC Yan Building TR-509 + Online (link will be sent via email)

🔗 Registration Form: Sign up via the Bento link in our homepage bio

💰 Fee: Free for members, $50 for non-members

【Important Notes】

This session includes hands-on practice, so please bring your own laptop!

Please RSVP via GDG on Campus NTUST before signing up!

【Additional Information】

If you have any questions about the course or our community, feel free to send us a message!

The registration link is available in our homepage Bento link!



Tuesday, March 4, 2025
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)


  • Vic Wen


  • Felix Chen



  • 綱庭

    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


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