64 RSVP'd
Welcome to the GDG Orientation session! This is your chance to learn about Google Developer Groups (GDG) and how you can be a part of an exciting global community of tech enthusiasts, developers, and innovators. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, this session will introduce you to the GDG mission, the transition from Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) to GDG, and how you can play a key role in our community as a core team member.
📌 What You’ll Learn:
1. What GDG is and why it matters
2. The journey from GDSC to GDG and its opportunities
3. How to become a core team member and lead tech events, workshops, and collaborations
Friday, October 11, 2024
5:00 AM – 6:30 AM (UTC)
Welcome and Introduction |
What is GDG? |
Transition from GDSC to GDG |
How to Become a Core Team Member |
Q&A Session |
Closing Remarks |
GDGoC Organizer
Jinnah University for Women
GDGoC Lead
Jinnah University For Women
Technical Mentor
Jiinnah University for Women
Event Management Co-Lead
Jinnah University for Women
GDGoC Videography Lead
Jinnah University for Women
Social Media Lead
Jinnah University for women
Mentor of Partnership and Collabration
Jinnah University for Women
Videography Co-Lead
Photography Junior Co-Lead
Jinnah University for Women
GDGoC Social Media Team Co-Lead
Jinnah University For Women
GDGoC Content Writing Mentor
Jinnah University for Women
Photography Co-Lead
Jinnah University for Women
Content Lead
Jinnah university for women
Partnership and collaboration lead
Jinnah University for women
Technical Lead
Jinnah University For Women
Content Junior Co-Lead
Jinnah University for Women
Event Management Mentor
Jinnah University for Women
GDGoC Photography Lead
Jinnah University for Women
Partnership and Colllaboration Junior Co-Lead
Jinnah University For Women
Event Management Lead
Jinnah University for Women
Content Writing Junior Co-lead
Jinnah University for Women
Partnership and Collaboration Co-Lead
Jinnah university for womens
Graphics Co-Lead
Jinnah University for women
Event Management Junior Co-lead
Jinnah University For women
GDGOC Graphics Lead
Jinnah university for women
Videography Junior Co-Lead
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