GDG on Campus Higher school of communication of tunis, Sup'Com - Ariana, Tunisia
Learn how to harness the power of web scraping to extract valuable data for AI applications! This hands-on workshop will guide you through scraping techniques, best practices, and real-world use cases aligned with AI Odyssey, equipping you with the skills to build AI-driven solutions.
54 RSVP'd
Data is the foundation of AI, and web scraping is a key skill for gathering real-world datasets. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to extract structured and unstructured data from websites, process and clean the data, and integrate it into AI models. Through hands-on exercises, we’ll explore use cases relevant to AI Odyssey, such as extracting information for recruitment automation, analyzing technical profiles, and collecting data for intelligent decision-making. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this session will help you master essential scraping techniques while ensuring ethical and legal compliance.
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