GDG on Campus Gebze Technical University - Kocaeli, Türkiye
🚀 Hello everyone! In the "LinkedIn Strategies and Effective CV Preparation Techniques" Training to be held online on October 24 Işıl Berkun, the founder of DigiFab Al, will be with us. We want among us those who want to take a step towards a professional path! 💥 To participate, just fill out the formula below! 20:00 (Google Meet)
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🚀 Hello everyone!
In the "LinkedIn Strategies and Effective CV Preparation Techniques" Training to be held online on October 24
Işıl Berkun, the founder of DigiFab Al, will be with us.
We want among us those who want to take a step towards a professional path!
💥 To participate, just fill out the formula below!
DigiFab AI
Data Engineer
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