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Connect with tech enthusiasts at GDG on Campus! Join our weekly meetups to network, share ideas, and build lasting relationships in the tech community.
Our weekly meetups are designed to bring together tech enthusiasts from all levels and tracks. Here, you'll have the opportunity to share your projects and ideas, learn from others, and connect with potential collaborators. Whether you're working on a project or looking to start one, these sessions provide the perfect environment to find like-minded individuals.
We welcome everyone - from freshmen just starting their tech journey to seniors with experiences to share. These meetups are more than just gatherings; they're your gateway to becoming an active part of CU's vibrant tech community.
Join us every Friday at 2 pm in the CUCRID Auditorium. No registration needed - just come ready to connect and engage!
For more information, reach out to us on our community channels.
Friday, November 1, 2024
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (UTC)
Co Lead
Developer Relations Lead
Events Management Lead
Events Management Co-Lead
Media and Marketing Lead
Media and Marketing Co-Lead
Graphics Design Lead
Graphics Design Co-Lead
Technical Writer
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