**What do I need to be part of this event?** It's simple: Click here to see the live stream Submit your questions now on Google+ or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskFirebaseLive If you are running a viewing party, please post images on Google+ or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskFirebaseLive **What will this event look like?** You will be able to connect to a live video stream. Our Firebase
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What do I need to be part of this event?
It's simple:
Click here to see the live stream
Submit your questions now on Google+ or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskFirebaseLive
If you are running a viewing party, please post images on Google+ or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskFirebaseLive
What will this event look like?
You will be able to connect to a live video stream. Our Firebase experts, James Tamplin and Magnus Hyttsten will start with a short introduction about Firebase. Then you will be able to submit your questions on Google+. The experts will pick questions and answer them in the video stream.
Do I have to register?
Yes, please register to attend this event. That way we can send you late-breaking updates.
<a href="https://events.withgoogle.com/post-io-event-live-hangout/"></a>
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