WomenTechMakers International Women's Day 2021 Oko x Ajah #CouragetoCreate


Join us for our 2021 International Women's Day brought to you by WomenTechMakers, Oko and WomenTechMakers, Ajah as we listen to technical and exciting talks from our industry experts about what it means to be a woman in tech.

Apr 21, 2021, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentInclusionWebWomen Techmakers

About this event

International Women’s Day (IWD) occurs on March 8th every year. It marks a moment to celebrate and provide visibility for the incredible contributions of women around the world and is a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

For the past 9 years, Women Techmakers has celebrated IWD throughout the months of March and April. In 2020, in spite of a global pandemic and quick pivot to virtual, WTM Ambassadors reached over 80,000 worldwide through our IWD campaign #TogetherWeRise.

In 2021, we hope to inspire even more women and allies across the globe in partnership with you! We are also excited to extend the WTM IWD campaign to our GDG communities, in an effort to work towards gender parity and equity in tech together.

This year our theme is based on the incredible strength and power women have shown in the face of adversity. We recognize that there were tremendous challenges over the past year, especially for women, from dealing with COVID to broader issues of racial justice and human rights. But we remain hopeful about the future and the belief that together our community can create positive change throughout the world.

Join us as we take the step towards creating the change we desire in society.

So…. what will you have the #CouragetoCreate in 2021?



Wednesday, April 21, 2021
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


4:00 PM
Networking and Introduction
4:45 PM
Connecting the dots to your passion: My Career Journey
Kathita will be talking about her career journey. How she mapped the skills she learned from her previous role as a Quality Engineer in a previous company to her current role as Product Technology Manager at Google.
5:30 PM
Reframing Your Narrative
6:15 PM
Intro to AI Design + Development


  • Esther Omikunle

    First City Monument Bank

    Product Owner

  • Sierra Obryan


    Software Engineer

  • Tamar Rucham


    CEO & Founder


  • Okeke Chimezie Glory

    Chimex I.T Solutions

    GDG Organizer

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