Certification Study Group - Info session will provide more information and details about the Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Certification 12 week certification prep.
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Certification Study Group - Info session will provide more information and details about Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer 12 week certification prep.
Certification Study Groups are weekly events over 12 weeks designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification.
The Certification Study Group offers:
The 12 week course will run online every Thursday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Join us to hear the prerequisites and how to take advantage of this super opportunity with top instructors and speakers.
Learning Journey Preview! Everyone who completes it will receive a voucher for the exam. Each week will take two weeks to complete:
Senior Research Scientist
Sr. ML / Research Engineer
ANY Analytics
Digital and Cloud Marketing Consultant
Software Engineer
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