Do you want to earn your Google Cloud certification? Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect is the highest-paying certification for a second year in a row. Meet Dan Sullivan, the author of the official Google Cloud Study Guides Professional Architect, Professional Data Engineer, and Associate Cloud Engineer and get all your questions answered. AGENDA: 12:00 pm Join the video meeting
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Do you want to earn your Google Cloud certification?
Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect is the highest-paying certification for a second year in a row.
Meet Dan Sullivan, the author of the official Google Cloud Study Guides Professional Architect, Professional Data Engineer, and Associate Cloud Engineer and get all your questions answered.
12:00 pm Join the video meeting on Google Meet:
12:15 pm Dan Sullivan - Google Cloud exam tips and Q&A
2:30 pm Raffle time. Win a prize!
2:45 pm Wrap-up
Add your questions for our special guest Dan Sullivan here:
Dan Sullivan is an early adopter of cloud technologies, an experienced cloud architect and systems developer. He is also the bestselling author of numerous technical books, an experienced in-person trainer, and an online trainer whose courses have been viewed over 1 million times.
Dan has an extensive experience in data science, machine learning, and cloud architecture. He holds a Ph.D. in genetics, bioinformatics, and computational biology with a focus on infectious disease genomics.
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