**AGENDA** **6:30pm **_Welcome & Study Camp Goals_ (Facilitators: Nitya/Ralph @GDGNY, Gautam @CondeNast) **7:00pm** _Machine Learning Primer_ (Speaker: Josh Gordon **7:30pm** _Python Primer_ (Speaker: Paul Logston **8:15pm** _Survey, Q&A_ **8:30pm** _Wrap-up_ _ _ **OBJECTIVE** The Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree has content that is ideally completed over a year in a self-paced format
0 RSVP'd
6:30pm Welcome & Study Camp Goals (Facilitators: Nitya/Ralph @GDGNY, Gautam @CondeNast)
7:00pm Machine Learning Primer (Speaker: Josh Gordon, Tensor Flow & ML Developer Advocate @Google)
7:30pm Python Primer (Speaker: Paul Logston, NYC Python Co-Organizer)
8:15pm Survey, Q&A
8:30pm Wrap-up
The Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree has content that is ideally completed over a year in a self-paced format.
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE USING THE FREE CONTENT OPTION DURING THE STUDY CAMP. Attendees "MAY" choose to enroll in the paid Nanodegree when they feel comfortable doing so (we will provide a promo for a substantial discount to do this) and should ideally make the decision after a few weeks into the Study Camp.
This Study Group is an attempt to kickstart/support those efforts by setting an initial short-term goal spanning a 3-month time-frame. The goal is for every participant to complete:
• at least 1 course of the MLND program
• at least 1 project of the MLND program
Participants who have more time/expertise can potentially move faster and get through more of the MLND objectives, and that is absolutely okay (and encouraged)
We hope to self-organize participants into 3 groups to start:
• (Beginner) Those who don't know Python. You will start by focusing on the "Intro to Python" course to get familiar with the language, which is critical to doing projects later.
• (Intermediate) Those who know Python but are new to Data Sciences. You will start by focusing on the "Intro to Data Science" course to get familiar with concepts.
• (Advanced) Those who know Python and Data Science and are here to get ahead on ML expertise. You will start by focusing on the "Intro to Machine Learning" course
If you finish the course at your level, feel free to jump into the group at the next-level. The end goal for all groups is
• (Mandatory Goal) Finish Project P0: Titanic Survival Exploration
• (Stretch Goal) Finish Project 1: Predicting Boston Housing Prices
We want to extend thanks to our partners without whom we could not run this: Conde Nast (for hosting the in-venue events, and Gautam for facilitation) and Udacity (for ML Nanodegree content, support and study camp discounts).
• Fill in this REGISTRATION form to join the ML Study Camp.
• Join our Slack: http://gdgny.herokuapp.com and request entry to the #machine-learning channel.
These two steps above are MANDATORY for those participating in this Camp. We will share promo codes only with registered folks via the emails used in the form.
• Participate in weekly "check-ins" on Slack to track progress. Participate in community discussions and support each other with Q&A, debugging or clarifications. This is a community-driven effort and not a "lecture session" based program.
• RSVP for future in-venue sessions only if you can actually attend them. Space at the venue will be limited (RSVPs will be cut off at 50) and are ideal for to network/review content or work on projects with peers.
Have questions or comments? Leave them in our meetup page below..
Nitya, Ralph (GDG NYC) and Gautam (Conde Nast)
Contact Us