[GDG NYC Jun] Topic: Machine Learning


**We have updated the RSVP list. If your RSVP was removed because of a missing full name, contact us and provide that information.**_Please always use your full name in your Meetup profile. Google Security requires first and last names (and they should match the photo ID you present during registration)_ ** ** **VENUE: GWB Tech Talk Room @Google NYC** **** MUST enter through the 16th street/9

Jun 6, 2016, 9:00 PM – Jun 7, 2016, 12:30 AM


Key Themes

About this event

We have updated the RSVP list. If your RSVP was removed because of a missing full name, contact us and provide that information.Please always use your full name in your Meetup profile. Google Security requires first and last names (and they should match the photo ID you present during registration)

VENUE: GWB Tech Talk Room @Google NYC

** MUST enter through the 16th street/9th ave tenant entrance of 76 9th avenue.

** You must bring a photo ID. Upon entering, please check in at the registration table.

If you RSVP for this event with an incomplete name or alias, you will be moved to the wait list until that is corrected. We will also collect all no-show name-tags to use for monitoring repeat no-shows. 



Registration and networking. Please try to arrive early to take into account the time required at security.


• Register for OpenCamps happening in July - ask us about Android Camp!!

• StrataHadoop NYC happens Sep 26-29. Save 20% w/code UGNYGDG http://oreil.ly/1VWbMdt -- includes first O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence conf Sep 26-27 (CFP closes Jun 6)


"Machine Learning for Improved Visual Search Functionality" 

Speaker: Nathan Hurst is a Distinguished Engineer at Shutterstock with a particular interest in computer vision, highly scalable data processing, information theory and compressive sensing. His previous work included various engineering and computer scientist positions at Amazon, Google and Adobe. Nathan is also a founding member of the Inkscape project and obtained his PhD from Monash University in Australia. Some of Nathan's interests include tie-dye teeshirts, researching soil-less office plants, direct synthesis of pipe organs and he also previously worked on detecting counterfeit toothpaste packaging

(Q&A/Networking Break)

7:00pm LIGHTNING TALKS (5-10 min)

If you have an interest in doing a lightning talk on Machine Learning, Computer Vision or Artificial Intelligence -- reach out to the organizers and we can schedule you. Or sign up at http://bit.ly/gdgny-speaker-signup

• "Cloud Vision meets The Vision: OCR and Label Detection in Comics" -- Paul Degnan (Head of Software, Marvel DMG)

•  " Gene Miller" This will be a 2 minute description of my research program: Training convolutional networks to recognize global illumination in pictures, and using this information to improve image recognition accuracy. My name is Gene Miller, I'm currently a rese... research scientist at NYU Courant Institute. I was a pioneer developer of illumination models for CGI for movie effects in the 1980s. My email is gene@dvi-engineering.com

(Q&A/Networking Break)

7:30pm CODE LAB

"Tensor Flow & Deep Learning" (Nitya/Ralph)

GDG New York will get a sneak peek at an unreleased Tensor Flow CodeLab that will get you setup and working with TensorFlow on your development platform.

To do the codelab, you must have Python (v2 or v3) on your development device. Windows users are advised to install a Docker image provisioned with necessary dependencies instead. More information will be shared prior to the event.


Tensor Flow & Deep Learning,

• Tensor Flow Playground,

Visualizations from BigPicture team

Tensor Flow For Poets codelab.

• Seeing in the Cloud: Computer Vision as an API

8:30pm WRAP UP


  • Ralph Yozzo


    GDG Organizer

  • Anna Nerezova

    GDG Organizer

  • Bhavik Chopra

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority

    Computer Science Graduate Student

  • Shivika Arora

    JP Morgan

    Executive Director, Product

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