DevFest Northeast 2020


Join us for DevFest Northeast 2020! Our GDG communities have hosted great DevFests year after year and are keeping the momentum going in 2020. This year GDGs of the Northeast Region will be joining forces to bring you the content you crave from speakers you love! Join us for a socially connected but physically distant DevFest on Saturday October 31, 2020 from 10:00am - 3:00pm EST

Oct 31, 2020, 2:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

2 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudMachine Learning

About this event

Join us for DevFest Northeast 2020!

It’s DevFest time! Our GDG communities have hosted great DevFests year after year and are keeping the momentum going in 2020.

This year GDGs of the Northeast Region will be joining forces to bring you the content you crave from speakers you love!

Join us for a socially connected but physically distant DevFest on Saturday October 31, 2020 from 10:00am - 3:00pm EST


Brought you by:

GDG New Haven

GDG Cloud Philly


GDG New Brunswick

GDG North Jersey


GDG Manchester NH

GDG Bronx

GDG Boston Android


GDG Capital Region

GDG Lawrence


10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Intro and Welcome

10:10 AM - 11AM Sara Robinson

Talk Title: Baking with Machine Learning Demo

Learn how Sara trained a machine learning model that predicts what you are trying to bake - a cake, a bread or a cookie.

See a demo how the model works in a web app, all done using Google Cloud Platform's services:

- TensorFlow and Keras

- AI Platform Predictions

- Cloud Storage

- Cloud Functions

- Firebase Hosting

You can try Sara's ML model for yourself and even invent new delicious recipes!

Speaker Bio:

Sara Robinson is a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud, focusing on machine learning. She inspires developers and data scientists to integrate ML into their applications through demos, online content, and events. Before Google, she was a Developer Advocate on the Firebase team. Sara has a Bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University. When she’s not writing code, she can be found on a spin bike or eating frosting.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Frank van Puffelen

Talk Title: Puf will take you From zero to app: live-coding with Firebase and StackBlitz on the web

Getting started with web development has never been easier. In this talk Frank will live code two complete web apps from scratch, without copy/pasting any snippets. Both apps will be built on StackBlitz and will use Firebase for their back-end services.

Speaker Bio:

Frank (or Puf) is an engineer for Firebase at Google. He helps developers build extraordinary apps that use Firebase as their back-end. If you've ever asked a Firebase question on StackOverflow, you've probably met Frank already.

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Break

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Scott Stoll

Talk Title: RenderFlex children have non-zero flex but incoming height constraints are unbounded

You are not crazy. You are not alone. We all have nightmares about seeing these words in the Red Screen of Death. It's like quicksand, the more you fight the deeper you sink, and the worse it gets.

"I'm from the government, I'm here to help."

The trick to understanding why this happens is to understand a few different things, and then think about them together. Flexibles, flex, FlexFit, double.infinity, and Constraints can all come together to produce a reactive UI that works beautifully or a Red Screen of Death that will haunt your nightmares. In this talk, I'll help you learn how to kill the RenderFlex Boogeyman, and be just like John Wick.

Speaker Bio:

Scott Stroll has been involved with Flutter since v0.0.14 (Alpha), working both nationally and internationally as a Flutter Application Developer and Content Creator. Additionally, he has spoken and taught on Flutter at convention events in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as many smaller groups and meetup organizations throughout the United States.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Dan Sullivan

Talk Title: With Automated Machine Learning, Is Everyone Now a Machine Learning Engineer?

No, not even close. Automated machine learning tools, like Google Cloud’s AutoML only automate a fraction of the work need to build quality, production-grade machine learning models. This presentation outlines what automated ML does well, like choosing an algorithm and optimizing hyperparameters, and what it does not do so well, such as formulating a business problem amenable to ML. The talk will focus on four areas where developers familiar with machine learning are needed: formulating problems, engineering data, evaluating the fairness of models, and monitoring and maintaining models in production.

Speaker Bio:

Dan Sullivan is a Principal Engineer with PEAK6 Technologies. He is a software architect and data scientist with extensive experience in data science, machine learning, and cloud architecture. Dan is the author of the official Google Cloud study guides for the Professional Architect, Professional Data Engineer, and Associate Cloud Engineer certification exams as well as the instructor of over a dozen courses on machine learning, data science, and cloud computing on LinkedIn Learning and Udemy. He holds a Ph.D. in genetics, bioinformatics, and computational biology with a focus on infectious disease genomics.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Raffle / Wrap-up / Closing Remarks



O’Reilly offers 10 ebooks/books for our raffle and to all attendees 30 days full access to their online learning platform ($50 value each).

ROI Training

ROI Training offers 4 On Demand Google Cloud Certification training: ACE/PCE ($500 value each) vouchers and a $500 Google Play Card for our raffle.

Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan will provide free access to 3 Associate Cloud Engineer and 3 Professional Data Engineer courses ($50 value each).

Practicum by Yandex

Practicum offers 2 Full Scholarships to Practicum by Yandex bootcamps to choose from: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Web Developer. ($1,200 / $1,600 / $2,000 value each)


Wellframe offers $50 Amazon cards for our raffle.


Jetbrains offers 13 free annual Personal subscriptions ($249 value each).



Saturday, October 31, 2020
2:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Intro and Welcome
Sara Robinson
Frank van Puffelen
Scott Stoll
Dan Sullivan
Raffle / Wrap-up / Closing Remarks


  • Ralph Yozzo


    GDG Organizer

  • Anna Nerezova

    GDG Organizer

  • Bhavik Chopra

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority

    Computer Science Graduate Student

  • Shivika Arora

    JP Morgan

    Executive Director, Product

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