Flutter Fly - With GDE Pascal Welsch

GDG Nuremberg

We are very happy to host Pascal Welsch again, Google Developer Expert for Flutter. Pascal is one of the pioneers when it comes to adopting this technology. He's been using flutter since its first days. Pascal will talk about his library kt.dart, which is a port of Kotlin's Standard Library and adds some sugar to the everyday development with Dart. Hope to see you all around!

Nov 6, 2019, 5:00 – 9:00 PM

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Key Themes


About this event

We are very happy to host Pascal Welsch again, Google Developer Expert for Flutter. Pascal is one of the pioneers when it comes to adopting this technology. He's been using flutter since its first days.

Pascal will talk about his library kt.dart, which is a port of Kotlin's Standard Library and adds some sugar to the everyday development with Dart.

Hope to see you all around!


  • Nino Handler

    CONNECT Mobility GmbH

    Organizer GDG Nuremberg

  • Franco Vela

    Co-Organizer GDG Nuremberg

  • Lukas Himsel

    GDG Organizer

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