GDG Northern Colorado - Android/Chrome
Have you been wanting to learn more about Android/Kotlin? Join Google Developers and Women Techmakers of Northern Colorado for an Android Study Jam every other Thursday of the month starting on April 8th, 2021 through October 7, 2021! This is an event series for those who are interested in learning Android app development with the support of a study group. Earn a Certificate for completion!
8 RSVP'd
I'm excited to announce that it is Android Study Jam Season! Starting April 8th, 2021, and ending October 10th, 2021, we will be meeting together every other Thursday evening online to learn the essentials of the Kotlin programming language and the fundamentals of how to build Android apps in Kotlin.
In the fourth section, we will be continuing with android with the third unit of the lessons provided at We can also review what we learned in unit two and talk about MVVM and Architecture.
Have you missed previous sessions? It's never too late to join! This event will run until October, I am posting the slide decks and contents online and we have a slack channel for participants to ask questions and stay in touch. Please RSVP for the event and attend or contact the organizer for links.
These events are open to all audiences, although having a basic introduction to object-oriented programming and basic knowledge of GitHub will be helpful, however, it is not required. I will be sharing resources and challenges each week from the 'Prior Programming Experience Track'. Those who complete all 10 lessons from can be awarded a certificate upon submitting a screenshot of the completion at the end of the course (instructions will be provided).
Everyone is welcome, this is a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Feel free to work at your own pace, or to jump in at any time. All events in this series will be offered virtual, although future events in this series may be streamed from an in-person venue for those who are interested in an in-person event starting in May.
Aims Community College/
Professor/Technical Writer
Aims Community College/
Professor/Technical Writer
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