Get your school, online academy, or your educational institute more optimized and organized! No need for an expensive backend development ... In 60 minutes, we will learn with our core team member "Mahmoud Mashoun" how to code a system in Apps Script
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Get your school, online academy, or your educational institute more optimized and organized!
No need for an expensive backend development ...
In 60 minutes, we will learn with our core team member "Mahmoud Mashoun" how to code a system in Apps Script that enables the user to :
✅Create / Delete a Group: can be named as Classes - Semesters - locations ...
✅Add / Delete a Course on different platforms like Microsoft teams or Classroom )
✅Enroll / UnEnroll a STUDENT depending on payments Invoice ID
✅Open and Close Registrations of Groups ( any time )
✅Send Certifications for students: rendered from a template that you also have complete control over its design
✅Send Registration details via Email: no need to 'log in' and 'forget your password', we have kept it so simple and secure to access
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