GDG & WTM New Delhi are launching hands-on codelab series, Developer Days, building a project giving personalised learning. We are excited to announce our next episode in the Developer Days series on Actions on Google - Day 1. This will be a closed 2 hrs session on Saturday, 18 July, 2 PM - 4 PM, building a google action. So, let’s build a google action together this weekend 😉 For Registrations
GDG & WTM New Delhi are launching hands-on codelab series, Developer Days, building a project giving personalised learning.
We are excited to announce our next episode in the Developer Days series on Actions on Google - Day 1. This will be a closed 2 hrs session on Saturday, 18 July, 2 PM - 4 PM, building a google action.
So, let’s build a google action together this weekend 😉
For Registrations -
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