[REGISTRATION: https://commudle.com/communities/gdg-new-delhi/events/developer-days-1-let-s-learn-angular] And we're back! This is going to be a series of Hands-on sessions, with very limited seats! 10 Seats [ENTRY BY INVITATION ONLY] Everyone is learning from home, working and building things from home. This era calls for picking up a new technology we've been wanting to begin with and explor
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[REGISTRATION: https://commudle.com/communities/gdg-new-delhi/events/developer-days-1-let-s-learn-angular]
And we're back!
This is going to be a series of Hands-on sessions, with very limited seats!
Everyone is learning from home, working and building things from home. This era calls for picking up a new technology we've been wanting to begin with and exploring it, more so instead of reading, by building a small app on it.
First in the series is where we learn Angular.
- Knowledge of HTML, CSS & JavaScript (if you are able to manipulate the DOM, we're good!)
- You'll need to install some libraries on your system, they will be mentioned in the registration form
What we will do:
- Basics of TypeScript
- A small project on Angular, which interacts with an external API, and if time permits, we will connect it with Firebase too
And guess what, it's day after tomorrow, so hurry up.
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