Google Cloud Study Jams (Online)

GDG New Brunswick

***** You can join any time during the three-hour window ***** The Google Cloud Learning team is offering 30 more days of free access to three of the Google Cloud’s online learning resources as announced on the Cloud Blog. HOW: Simply visit and fill out the form. Within minutes you will receive the instructions from the Google Cloud team on how to redeem each of the offe

May 16, 2020, 3:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

***** You can join any time during the three-hour window *****

The Google Cloud Learning team is offering 30 more days of free access to three of the Google Cloud’s online learning resources as announced on the Cloud Blog.

Simply visit and fill out the form. Within minutes you will receive the instructions from the Google Cloud team on how to redeem each of the offers you sign up for. The instructions for Coursera, Pluralsight and QwikLabs will each come as individual emails.

Now. This offer is good through the month of May, 2020.

This is a unique opportunity for our community to improve skills and knowledge on Google Cloud. Pluralsight brings together video instruction with the power of the hands on labs, and the Coursera offering grants access to content that is otherwise for a fee.

We may not be able to meet up in person. But, we can still learn together. This is a kickoff hangout where we all get signed up and started, We will re-group every two weeks to share our accomplishments or ask questions. You can also ask questions, get help any time on Slack. If you are not a member of our slack group, please message me your email address, and I can add you our Slack group.


  • Prafull Kotecha

    GDG Organizer

  • Dhruv Patel

    GDG Organizer

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