This year we are returning to the source of the developers to create a good base of creators of local problem solutions. 10H00-10h20: Local Keynote 10H20-11H: Live streaming of the official keynote 11H-11H30: Coffee Break 11h30-12H30: CodeLabs: TensorFlow 12H30-13H30: Launch 13H30-15H30: CodeLabs (study jams) : An android application from beginning to end 14H00-16H00: CodeLabs Flutter
This year we are returning to the source of the developers to create a good base of creators of local problem solutions.
10H00-10h20: Local Keynote
10H20-11H: Live streaming of the official keynote
11H-11H30: Coffee Break
11h30-12H30: CodeLabs: TensorFlow
12H30-13H30: Launch
13H30-15H30: CodeLabs (study jams) : An android application from beginning to end
14H00-16H00: CodeLabs Flutter (study jams)
16H00-17H00: Speaker 2 : developer and business: how todo
17H00-17H30: Networking and gaming
17H30-17H45: Closing Word
ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere
GDG Organizer
WTM Ngaoundere
WTM Co-Lead
3D graphic Designer , Python enthusiast
The Universiy of Ngaoundere
University of Ngaoundéré, AUF, Betsaleel
WTM Co-lead
Digital Manufacture
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