Desta vez o GDG Natal está trazendo um tema super trending, Cloud Computing. Cronograma: 19:00 Getting ready for the cloud Daniel Fireman - Maceió AL - Gopher, Xoogler, Runner, Teacher and PhD student. 19:50 Coffee-break 20:00 Gerenciando uploads na nuvem com Rails Fernando Bellicanta - Natal RN - Desenvolvedor Ruby on Rails na AutoForce
Desta vez o GDG Natal está trazendo um tema super trending, Cloud Computing.
19:00 Getting ready for the cloud
Daniel Fireman - Maceió AL - Gopher, Xoogler, Runner, Teacher and PhD student.
19:50 Coffee-break
20:00 Gerenciando uploads na nuvem com Rails
Fernando Bellicanta - Natal RN - Desenvolvedor Ruby on Rails na AutoForce
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