Weana is a project specialized in supporting students in several fields, the most important of which is providing discounts for their school supplies so that they take them at cheaper prices in addition to supporting their talents and helping them build their profitable projects. ويانه هو مشروع مختص بدعم الطلبة من عدة نواحي واهمها توفير تخفيضات لمستلزماتهم الدراسية بحيث ياخذونها بأسعار ارخص بالاض
Weana is a project specialized in supporting students in several fields, the most important of which is providing discounts for their school supplies so that they take them at cheaper prices in addition to supporting their talents and helping them build their profitable projects.
ويانه هو مشروع مختص بدعم الطلبة من عدة نواحي واهمها توفير تخفيضات لمستلزماتهم الدراسية بحيث ياخذونها بأسعار ارخص بالاضافة لدعم مواهبهم ومساعدتهم على بناء مشاريعهم الربحية
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (UTC)
Online event
GDG Najaf
GDG Organizer
Al-Rafidain Bank
GDG Organizer
University of AlKafeel
Web Developer
Al-kafeel center for information technology
unix/linux system administrator
GDG/WTM | The Code People
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