As the first Google I/O Extended collaboration by GDG Strathmore, GDG USIU, GDG JKUAT and GDG Nairobi we’re super excited to bring together an audience of enthusiasts, developers and creators on the biggest tech event of the year. Our event will contain codelabs, speaker sessions from Google Developer Experts, and a livestream of the keynote speeches. We believe that this event will act as a way f
As the first Google I/O Extended collaboration by GDG Strathmore, GDG USIU, GDG JKUAT and GDG Nairobi we’re super excited to bring together an audience of enthusiasts, developers and creators on the biggest tech event of the year. Our event will contain codelabs, speaker sessions from Google Developer Experts, and a livestream of the keynote speeches. We believe that this event will act as a way for the tech community in Strathmore University to come together to discuss the progress of technology, learn new things and all in all have a piece of the action at I/O in their local community.
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