Android Worldwide January 2021

GDG Nagpur

Welcome to the first Android Worldwide event of 2021! We have joined an international collective of developer communities who like to put on quarterly events for Android Devs and related engineering specialties. Our primary goal is to help break-down geographical barriers between developers and communities, while doing our best to help each community's organizers feel supported.

Jan 19, 2021, 1:30 PM – Jan 20, 2021, 3:30 PM (UTC)

71 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Android Worldwide is a series of four events in a single day, spread out to run at convenient times for people residing in many different timezones. All events are free, and you are welcome to attend whichever one you like—no restrictions.

Each event is hosted by organizers from the dozens of engineering communities who have partnered with us. Speakers were carefully selected from submissions to our call for papers, which was difficult given how many fantastic options we saw. Paired with fantastic content, we want to emphasize the importance of having a tighter social fabric. For that, we've selected a special video conferencing software made by, and set aside plenty of time for friendly conversation between you and your fellow community members from around the globe.

The events are scheduled to start as follows:

Event #1 @ 7PM IST (2:30PM CET / 8:30AM EST / 5:30AM PST)

Event #2 @ 6:30PM CET (11PM IST / 12:30PM EST / 9:30AM PST)

Event #3 @ 6PM EST (4:30AM IST/ 12AM CET / 3PM PST)

Event #4 @ 6PM PST (7:30AM IST/ 3AM CET / 9PM EST)

The event that's most convenient for our community has the following schedule:

Schedule (IST)

7:00PM: Socializing

7:45PM: Journey Of Time by Subhrajyoti Sen

8:15PM: Break

8:30PM: Be the Flow in Reactive world by Himanshu Singh & Niharika Arora

End: More socializing

Presentation Details

Talk #1: Journey Of Time by Subhrajyoti Sen

Most Android developers have been using `java.util.*` packages for handling Calendar, Date, and Time. While they do serve the purpose, they have several shortcomings and very confusing APIs. Some developers use libraries like Joda-Time and ThreeTenABP to make things simpler. This has worked out well. But with recent changes in the Android Gradle plugin, we can use a subset of Java 8 language features, which eliminated the need for such libraries for most projects.

In this talk, I talk about the shortcomings of Calendar and Date APIs, how JodaTime tried solving them, the evolution of JSR-310, and then finally the latest changes in Android Gradle Plugin that make is really simple to deal with Time on Android.

Talk #2: Be the Flow in Reactive world by Himanshu Singh & Niharika Arora

In this talk, I will be explaining the amazing things you can do with Flow. I will be also covering how with coroutines it can be a complete replacement of RxJava. Also, we will learn how to migrate from RxJava 1/2 to Coroutines + flow.

This session is broken down into the following parts,

1. What is Flow?

2. Architecture of Flow.

3. How to build flow?

4. How to convert a few android operations in Flow?

5. Replacing your RxJava code to Coroutines + Flow.

6. Testing with Flow.

7. What we can achieve with Flow and a few practical use cases of using Flow like, Networking, Db Queries, etc.

Directly register for the events through the links below:

Event #1:

Event #2:

Event #3:

Event #4:


  • Subhrajyoti Sen


    Android Engineer

  • Niharika Arora

    Tata 1mg

    Senior Software Engineer

  • Himanshu Singh

    Roomi Inc.

    Sr. Android Engineer


  • Faiz Malkani

    Agrahyah Technologies

    Design Lead

  • Shalom Halbert


    Software Engineer


Disney logo


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Sauce Lab


  • Saniya Imroze

    Persistent Systems

    WTM Ambassador

  • Shantanu Vishwanadha

    Powerloom Protocol

    Backend Engineer

  • Neha Kalbande


    WTM Ambassador

  • Saish Adlak


    Product & Design

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