Do you have (m)any of these questions? Join us in this session. This talk will cover all these topics and many more. How is Healthcare data unique from other domains? What variety of data exists in Healthcare Domain and What does Healthcare Data contains? What security issues and laws regulate data protection in the Healthcare sector?
11 RSVP'd
Do you have (m)any of these questions? Join us in this session. This talk will cover all these topics and many more.
How is Healthcare data unique from other domains?
What variety of data exists in Healthcare Domain and What does Healthcare Data contains?
What security issues and laws regulate data protection in the Healthcare sector?
How and what kind of documents are created during a typical patient hospital visit? How to apply Data Science to them?
How can I become a Healthcare Data Scientist?
Are there any special courses in Healthcare Data Science that I can pursue?
What is Medical Coding?
Participants from all experience levels/domains are welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you in the session.
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