#HashCode by Google Are you ready to take on the challenge this year? For the third time in the Sultanate of Oman, the global competition #hashcode is back! A team-based programming competition created by Google for university students and industry professionals. What is HashCode? Hash Code is an online competition, for 4 hours to solve one question from Google! You have full freedom to s
#HashCode by Google
Are you ready to take on the challenge this year?
For the third time in the Sultanate of Oman, the global competition #hashcode is back!
A team-based programming competition created by Google for university students and industry professionals.
What is HashCode?
Hash Code is an online competition, for 4 hours to solve one question from Google!
You have full freedom to select which programming language to solve it with.
When and How to participate?
We will be hosting a hub at The German University of Technology in Oman for the Qualification Round of Hash Code. Which will take place at The Research Hall in GUtech on Thursday,
28th of Feb 2018 from 9 PM till 1 AM.
What are we providing:
A suitable work environment for all the participants will be provided which includes:
Fast and reliable internet connection at all times.
Experts that will be available to aid you in programming.
whiteboards, paperboards, etc...
Job opportunities from our partners will be in the competition.
*Note: Hub Location needs to be GUtech.
The top scoring teams from the Online Qualification Round will then be invited to Google's Dublin office to compete in the Final Round of the competition in April.
The deadline for registration is 25th February 2019. Don't miss out on the opportunity this year!
To register and for additional information:
هل أنت مستعد لخوض تحدي هذه السنه ؟
للمره الثالثة في سلطنه عمان المسابق العالمية #هاش كود
اجمع فريقك من ٢-٤ اشخاص لحل مسائل هندسيه واقعيه من جوجل
يوم الخميس، ٢٨ فبراير ٢٠١٩
من الساعة ٩ مساء الى ١ صباحا
الفريق الفائز سيحصل على فرصه لزياره مكتب شركه جوجل في دبلن
تستهدف هذه المسابقة طلبة الجامعات والمدارس و المختصين في مجال البرمجه
لماذا بالجامعة الألمانية؟
سيتم توفير وجبات للمشاركين
سيتواجد خبراء لمساعدتكم في البرمجة
سيتم توفير فرص عمل لبعض المشاركين
سيتم توزيع عدد من الجوائز خلال المسابقة
لاتفوت الفرصة هذه السنة، للتسجيل:
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